(For production by Professional Groups, College/University Groups, Community Groups, LDS & Other Church Groups)
Pull out a microscope, put any LDS singles-over-30 group on the glass slide, and take a peek. You will most likely find the same characters there as you do in this production. At first glance they may look like a bunch of misfits chumming together, but then you realize you know them and, in fact, could be one of them. “The Way We’re Wired” presents a painfully funny view on the varieties of LDS singles and how they function — almost as a counter-culture. As is stated early in the show, “to be an LDS single over 30, you’ve either never married, you’re widowed or divorced. In other words, you’re a loser, a pity-case, or a failure. Wired is very much a journey of discovery. It concerns itself with the power and efficacy of change. Of how much control we have in our own life and why we are where we are and what we can do about it. WINNER of the 1999 Association for Mormon Letters Drama Award.
- 2M 1TB 5W 1TG
- About 2 hours
- ORDER # 2026
Available for ALL producing groups.
- The PERUSAL PAGES file for THE WAY WE’RE WIRED is a PDF document that contains the first act of the play. It is downloadable by clicking:
- Script in PDF format — Order #2026a : $25.00 (from which you will be authorized to copy for your production)
- First Performance Ward/Stake/Amateur/Educational Royalty — Order #2026d : $75
- Second Performance Ward/Stake/Amateur/Educational Royalty — Order #2026e : $65
- Professional Performance License can be granted by filling out the Performance License Application: No production rights can be granted until this application is filled out and sent to us. This is a filler form that after you click “SUBMIT” will send directly to our email address. Response averages 2-3 business days.
- Nauvoo Theatrical Society, Orem, Utah — 2003 (WayWiredPHOTOSnauvooTS)
- WINNER: Association for Mormon Letters Drama Award, 1999
- Premiere at Brigham Young University — 1999
NOTE: Singled Out, the novelization of The Way We’re Wired, adapted by Eric Samuelsen from his play, is available at Amazon.com by clicking HERE
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