LBT Plan-B Theatre Company Play • Alpha Listing

One of the bright lights in the theatre scene in Salt Lake City is Plan-B Theatre Company. One of three professional companies in the city, Plan-B produces a year round season of thought-provoking, consequential, locally-written plays. Noted by The Dramatist’s Guild as the only professional theatre in the country whose entire season is devoted to the original work of local playwrights.

Jerry Rapier, Artistic Director of the company, has been of real assistance in transitioning these plays from the stage to the page. Production photos, logos, advice — he’s been there.

Visit their site at:

On this page, we will list all of our titles that began their theatrical life at Plan-B. Please also see the two SERIES listed at the bottom of the page!




Other Plan-B shows 


Plan-B Theatre Company School Tour SERIES (Alpha List)



RADIO HOUR SERIES — 12 hour-long plays for radio and live performance (Alpha List)