Short Plays with running times less than an hour
- Adam and Eve a Ten-Minute play by Davey Morrison
- Altars about Abraham and Sariah by J. Scott Bronson (contained in STONES)
- Asi Es (That’s How It Is) a 10-minute play by Lyvia Martinez
- Bathsheba by Eric Samuelsen (contained in THE PLAN)
- Book of Mormon Story by James Goldberg (A 10-minute play)
- Caravan by Carol Lynn Pearson
- Christmas Nativity Pageant (used by Provo City for many years as a live nativity event in the Downtown area)
- Christmas Programs for Sacrament Meetings
- The Christmas Sweet by J. Derrick Hibbard
- An Elder’s Christmas Miracle by Anita Christine
- An English Toffee In American Molars by Mark Stoddard
- Eve, Dying by Eric Samuelsen (contained in THE PLAN)
- Family Frolics, Relief Society Renditions and Sharing Time Skits
- Gaia by Eric Samuelsen (contained in THE PLAN)
- A Grand Moral Entertainment an adaptation of the first presentation of theatre in Nauvoo, starring Brigham Young by R. Don Oscarson
- If Not Anything, Nothing Will Do! Newlyweds, an airport and the Mafia by Doug Stewart
- The Illegal Alien a 10-minute play by Lyvia Martinez
- Maror the bitter and the sweet by James Goldberg
- Martyr In Waiting by Carol Lynn Pearson
- NCMO a short parable by Eric Samuelsen (contained in “PECULIARITIES”)
- Outside Jericho by Eric Samuelsen (contained in THE PLAN)
- Pastor Jolley the first LDS play published out of Africa by Daniel Kilyobas Obadiah
- Petunia Passes by Thomas F. Rogers
- Pizza and a Movie a short parable by Eric Samuelsen (contained in “PECULIARITIES”)
- Prayers From Winter Quarters by Eric Samuelsen
- Prodigal Son by James Goldberg (Winner 2008 AML Award for Drama)
- Rachel’s Sister by Eric Samuelsen (contained in THE PLAN)
- Ruth in the House of Boaz by Eric Samuelsen (contained in THE PLAN)
- Tahoe a short parable by Eric Samuelsen (contained in “PECULIARITIES”)
- Temps a short parable by Eric Samuelsen (contained in “PECULIARITIES”)
- To Be Continued a ten-minute play about loving others by Davey Morrison
- Tombs by J. Scott Bronson (contained in STONES) (About Mary and Jesus)
- The Unfortunate Courtship of Brian Tanner by Jerry Argetsinger
- The War Prayer adapted from Mark Twain by Charles w. Whitman
- White Mountain a play about inner vision by Mahonri Stewart
- Youtahn-eeks : the Spoken Language of the Ancients — a 10-minute play by James Arrington