Family Frolics, Relief Society Renditions & Sharing Time Skits

Family Frolics, Relief Society Renditions & Sharing Time Skits

The authors represented are: Charlee Cardon Wilson, Sam Christensen, Sharon Elwell, James G. Lambert, & C. Michael Perry

(For production by LDS Church Groups)

This collection of 16 skits, sketches, playlets and monologues is specifically designed for use in Family Home Evenings, Relief Society meetings, Firesides, AP/YW meeting nights Primary Activity Days, and other Ward and Stake presentations. These short plays (not longer than 20 minutes) are designed primarily to teach, in an interesting way, a single or group of related Gospel principles. Drama makes all things easily understandable and able to be grasped by anyone who is learning. They are easy to produce and very affordable.  They can all be easily produced with a minimum of props and costumes and no setting. Or you can be as elaborate as you want. All of these short plays are published in a Resource Manual that is available to Church libraries or individuals at a cost of $8.95.  Nothing may be photocopied out of the Resource Manual. It is against the law!!!  The price of the Resource Manual does NOT include any production rights!  A Production Package of each skit may be purchased at the listed price (below). Each Production Package purchase permits you to print a certain number of copies from the PDF original that will be emailed to you. The Production Package fee also is good for one full year, so you can produce as manytimes during that year as you desire. It is renewable by purchasing another Production Package for another year.


  • 6″ x 9″ (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
  • Black & White on White paper
  • 90 pages
  • ISBN-13: 978-0615999142
  • ISBN-10: 061599914X
  • BISAC: Drama / Religious & Liturgical
  • List Price: $8.95


RESOURCE MANUAL CONTAINING ALL 16 SCRIPTS: $8.95 (+ shipping, handling and Maine Sales Tax) (Order #4000)

To purchase each individual Production Package:

Please, email us which package you want (name, order # and cost), we will then send you a PayPal invoice which, when paid, will notify us to send you the PDF of the Production Package through your email. PayPal is safe and easy to use. You can set up a PayPal account if you wish, or you can just pay with a click and your Credit or Debit card in a secure manner. You could receive the materials in a matter of hours, but give us 24 hours to fill your request unless it is on a weekend, then give us until Monday morning.

  • AND THAT’S THE WAY IT WAS — by Charlee Cardon Wilson. 2 adults 2 children. Chairs only. Uses well known Church folk tunes and the Walter Cronkite news format to explain about the pioneers to young audiences. About 15 mins. Order # 4001. $5.00 for a Production Package that includes rights to duplicate 3 copies.
  • THE EXAMPLE — by Charlee Cardon Wilson. 4 women. A short skit testifying that it’s really not so hard to do a little missionary work. About 10 mins. Order # 4002. $5.00 for a Production Package that includes rights to duplicate 4 copies.
  • FUNSMOKE — by Sam Christiansen. 7M 2W. 1 simple set. A spoof of “Gunsmoke”. The narrator is the only one prepared in advance. The costumes are brought, the cast is selected from the audience, costumed and handed scripts. They may be coached if desired. A great ice-breaker for Ward and Stake functions. A lot of silly fun. The whole process takes about 15 mins. Order # 4003. $10.00 for a Production Package that includes rights to duplicate 9 copies.
  • THE IGI CAPER  — by Charlee Cardon Wilson. 2M 1W 1B + group of 6 readers. A readers theatre piece using the “Dragnet” TV format to uncover clues as to how to pursue one’s genealogy. About 15 mins. Order # 4004. $12.00 for a Production Package that includes rights to duplicate 10 copies.
  • JONAH AND THE BIG FISH — by Sharon Elwell. 4M + extras. The Bible story retold for Primary. It can use children or adults to tell the story. The props and the costumes are the important things to prepare in advance. Action can be improvised. About 10 mins. Order # 4005. $5.00 for a Production Package that includes rights to duplicate 5 copies.
  • LET FREEDOM RING — a skit with original music by Charlee Cardon Wilson. 1 female adult, 5 mixed youth. A testimony builder about the freedom we all need in our spiritual as well as our temporal lives. About 20 mins. Order # 4006. $12.00 for a Production Package (with music) that includes rights to duplicate 6 copies.
  • MALADIES PECULIAR TO THE MORMON FAITH — by Charlee Cardon Wilson. 5 non-speaking female roles, 3 or 4 mixed speaking roles. Just some of the “illnesses” we “Saints” fall prey to. Very funny and easy to do.  About 10 mins. Order # 4007. $5.00 for a Production Package that includes rights to duplicate 3 copies.
  • MINISTERING SUPERVISOR — by Charlee Cardon Wilson. 1 female narrator, 4 non-speaking females. Describes in delightful detail some of the different types of Ministering Sisters.  About 10 mins. Order # 4012. $5.00 for a Production Package that includes rights to duplicate 2 copies.
  • NEPHI AND LABAN — by Sharon Elwell. 8 speaking roles, several non-speaking roles. Another skit for young people telling how Nephi obtained the brass plates. Can be done impromptu with only props and costumes prepared ahead of time. About 15 mins. Order # 4008. $12.00 for a Production Package that includes rights to duplicate 8 copies.
  • THE NO TALENT — by Charlee Cardon Wilson. 1 female. A monologue designed to enable people to think about their own self-worth. About 10 mins. Order # 4009. $5.00 for a Production Package that includes rights to duplicate 2 copies.
  • PIONEER CHILDREN — by Charlee Cardon Wilson. 2 male youth, 2 female youth, 1 boy, 1 girl. Using the youth we and they learn a little bit about what the pioneer youth had to endure. About 20 mins. Order # 4010. $10.00 for a Production Package that includes rights to duplicate 7 copies.
  • THE RELUCTANT SHEPHERD — by James G. Lambert. 2 men, 2 women, 2 boys, 2 girls + angels and other shepherds. A story behind the “no room at the inn” story. A young shepherd boy gives Mary and Joseph the use of his family’s stable and manger without payment. He also furnishes them with the food that was to have been his family’s first meal in several days. His family is furious with him until they see who the strangers in their stable are. About 20 mins. Order # 4011. $15.00 for a Production Package that includes rights to duplicate 8 copies.
  • A VOICE FROM THE DUST — A skit with original music by Charlee Cardon Wilson. 2M 1narrator, optional chorus. The use of slides, drama and song to tell of the downfall of the Nephites under Moroni, his vision to Joseph Smith and the founding of the Church in the Latter-day. About 20 mins. Order # 4013. $5.00 for a Production Package that includes rights to duplicate 3 copies. (Slides come from building libraries) [We produced “A Voice from the Dust” for a Priesthood Fireside and it was very successful, reaching 2 of the investigators present as well as the members. – Ron Babin, Sudbury Ontario Ward – 2018]
  • THE PUMPKIN CHILD — A puppet or live action skit with original music. 1 M 6F 1 either.  This little musical sketch is about loving and respecting others. About 15 minutes. With original songs. Order #4014. $10.00 for a Production Package that includes rights to duplicate 11 copies.
  • SOCKY AT THE DENTIST — A very short skit. 2 puppets. A little bit of silly fun with maybe a moral? About 2 minutes. Order #4015. $3.00 for a Production Package that includes rights to duplicate 2 copies.
  • FAMILY COUNCIL IN HEAVEN — A skit for puppets or people. 3M 1W 5 either. What happened in that Council and how it affected all of us. About 6-7 minutes. Order #4016. $7.50 for a Production Package that includes rights to duplicate 10 copies.

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