Michael Shurtleff’s 12 Guideposts for Auditioning 3. The Moment Before • January 7, 2025

Michael Shurtleff’s 12 Guideposts for Auditioning 3. The Moment Before Every scene starts in the middle. You must provide what comes before.
Plays and Musicals for All Audiences and Theatre Groups, Amateur, Educational, Professional, and Religious
Michael Shurtleff’s 12 Guideposts for Auditioning 3. The Moment Before Every scene starts in the middle. You must provide what comes before.
Michael Shurtleff’s 12 Guideposts for Auditioning 2. Conflict Conflict What are you fighting for? Is it tangible or intangible? How badly do
Michael Shurtleff’s 12 Guidepost for Auditioning • 1. Relationships To begin with — do not worry if you don’t know the full
It happens to every creative person at one time or another. Sometimes it can happen many times. It is all right to
Q: Do you want to get better at characterization? A: Write a 10-minute play on the most compelling character you can think
Thanks to: Harrison at playsubmissionhelper.com/blog Dear Playwright, One of the most common pieces of advice you’ll hear from playwrights is to
The Moment Before Every actor uses it. It is a Stanislavsky acting principle that has infiltrated nearly every other acting system ever
Ten Things a Reader Wants You to Know (or, How to Keep Your Script in Consideration) 1. A script is not a
Crafting a Lyric Lyrics have the same forms as the music(1) — but which comes first: the music or the lyric? Usually
The Theatre Song TYPE (not an exhaustive list) The Overture — in olden times, as in Opera, and Operetta, the Overture was
THE PERFECT PLAY? Is a play ever really finished, done, thrillingly able to live on its own forever without tinkering? No. Each
This is for all those who have tried to decipher what the heck they are supposed to do with the return of
I had the privilege to be called down to Ferrum College and the Blue Ridge Dinner Theatre in the summer of 2002.
Submitting a Script to Festivals, Theatres, Anyone BLOG August 9, 2018 1 Your script is your calling card. It speaks for you
Three Questions for Every Writer What is the event that propels me to the next scene? Why did I care about this
Theatre As A Compass The reason I publish for others to produce (maybe even the reason that I write what I write)
Blog topic about creating realistic dialog for characters in a play.
Apply this to you, the Playwright (Composer, Lyricist) and to each of your characters. It sort of goes along with what I
Why do you write for the theatre? A Playwright, a Lyricist, a Composer? What gets you up in the morning to begin?
You know — many playwrights struggle over conflict. Some even wonder if they can do without it. Some think it is fine,
What is a Character Arc and Why is it necessary? A Character Arc is the journey that a character takes through his
Submitting a Play or Musical to a Theatre There are many opportunities for this to happen, here are just a few: If
What can I say about playwrighting that can take you from the ideas, to the words, to the page, to the stage?
Well, this one can be complicated. Each publisher has different requirements for play and musical submission. Some are agented, (which means that
In a recent post on a Facebook Playwrights page the number of characters in a play or musical was discussed. Now: Number