A Christmas Nativity • Free Script

by Myrth Burr

This Nativity takes us on the journey from  the prophets who foretold of the Coming of the Christ Child through the angels at the manger and, later, the Three Wisemen who visited the family when Jesus was around 2 years old.

There is opportunity for pageantry, or simplicity.

This FREE SCRIPT is the property of Zion Theatricals. No performance of it may be given unless the script is downloaded directly from the website by the intended producer/user.  Please do NOT share this  script with friends and colleagues. Ask them to visit us here and download it for themselves. 

We ask that you credit ZION THEATRICALS and the AUTHOR at performances, whether with a verbal announcement, a program, or both. All publicity should have the name of the AUTHOR and ZION THEATRICALS credited.


If Professional actors are engaged and paid for their services, we ask you to send $50.00 to us through PayPal with the following message: “Christmas Nativity Script PRO” 

  • This pageant was sponsored by Provo City, playing for several years beginning in 1994.

EMAIL us about your production, we love feedback.

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