Rapunzel • Part 1 of GRIMM – RADIO HOUR Episode 7

by Matthew Ivan Bennett An adaptation of the Brothers Grimm stories to their original, dark tellings. This version of Rapunzel isn’t your
Plays and Musicals for All Audiences and Theatre Groups, Amateur, Educational, Professional, and Religious
Playscripts, theatre, theater, brothers grimm,
by Matthew Ivan Bennett An adaptation of the Brothers Grimm stories to their original, dark tellings. This version of Rapunzel isn’t your
by Matthew Ivan Bennett An adaptation of the Brothers Grimm story to their original, dark tellings, The Juniper Tree is not nostalgic
by Matthew Ivan Bennett Staged Radio Drama, Radio Broadcast, Fully-Staged Production, or Virtual Theatre. An adaptation of three beloved Grimm Brother stories
by Matthew Ivan Bennett WHEN A NAME SAYS IT ALL! An adaptation of three beloved Grimm Brothers stories to their original, dark
A re-telling of the Snow White story through collected tales from around the world.
For young or adult audiences this play uncovers some ‘facts’ about the Brothers Grimm: that most of their stories came from or through their sisters and female friends.