Story Theatre Stories for Theatre Storytellers — Book 1 — Resource Manual

by Genevieve Aichele

A Collection of 15 short playlets for use in classrooms, seminars, workshops, and in performance for an audience, with curriculum and other classroom helps to produce the secripts in the manual, or create your own scripts!

  • 8.5 x 11
  • 150-200 pages
  • LIST PRICE: $12.95








If any of the pieces in this collection are performed before an audience, paid or unpaid, there will be a small royalty charge of $15 for a first performance, and $10 for every other performance, per playlet. If a group of plays are used in performance together the royalty will be calculated at $1.00 per minute of performance time.
Where the playlet is used as part of curricular, in-class work, as a part of a seminar or artist-in-residence instruction, or in a classroom or workshop setting, as there is no intent to ‘perform’ that work for an audience, but it is a learning experience for the student participants, no royalties will be expected or charged. If a playlet in the book is photocopied for student use, those copies will be collected at the end of the workshop and not distributed outside the workshop setting.