The Sideshow — Concept CD

The Sideshow — Concept CD

a musical about young people (and the grown-ups who teach them)

by Mark Ogden


Perfect show for Middle Schools, Junior Highs, High Schools and Youth Groups using age-appropriate casting,  or for College & University, Community and Professional Groups where older actors can play the younger roles, or casting can be age-appropriate.

Joel Barker, looking back on his childhood, when he was just Joe Average, interacts with the memories of his past. Younger Joey was competent, fun, and talented in ways that don’t regularly stand out. His father was the principal of The Institute for Gifted Children, and after a divorce, young Joey goes to live with his dad and go to school there. He meets the other kids of varying ages, who are all genius at something. He doesn’t fit in. He wonders why his mom sent him and his dad pushed him into this school. But then, a gifted, young teacher, Liz, with more vision than her principal, whom she used to be sweet on, shows him that the things that make Joey ordinary begin to make him stand out, and he soon finds a place, and even more important, acceptance, into this weird and wacky club of Gifted Misfits. The “Dream/Nightmare” sequence roasts the dark side of special programs for any student or group of students:  that our educational system — and its administrators —  tend to exploit our gifted youth for their own gain and betterment — and the dollars that are out there to be had in grant money. A totally terrific score fuels this musical with a message that says “it’s ok to be ordinary, for ordinary people always find their place … and run the world.”


  • 48 minutes
  • 18 tracks
  • UPC: 636160243140
  • Leicester Bay Theatricals
  • List Price: $15.99



1. Joe Average — Joel
2. Something Prodigious — Liz, Alan, Students
3. Dear Ol’ Dad — Joel
4. Look At Me — Students
5. Explore! Aspire! — Liz & Alan
6. Sensational — Alan & Liz
7. Hit The Big Time — Alan
8 Hit The Big Time (reprise) — Students
9. Joe Average (reprise) — Joel
10. In Our Hearts — Liz & Students
11. How Does He Do It? — Liz
12. Over My Head — Joel
13. Anyway — Liz
14. Something Prodigious (reprise) — Joel
15. In The Sideshow — Liz & Joel
16. Like I Am Now — Liz & Joel
17. In Our Hearts (reprise) & Joe Average (reprise 2) — Liz, Joel & Company
18. BONUS TRACK — Smart Move



  • Purchase through our PayPal Shopping Cart for the internet special price of $15.99 (includes shipping and Maine sales tax) Be sure to enter your zipcode where prompted on the PayPal order form. It will automatically calculate the shipping for your order.


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