Neil K. Newell • Author and Composer

Neil K. Newell • Author and Composer

smiley faceNeil Newell — was born in Orem, Utah and attended Brigham Young University where he received a BS degree in  Business Management and the University of Southern California where he received  an MFA in Professional Writing.  He has taught Creative Writing at Clark County Community College in Las Vegas and at Utah Valley State College (now Utah Valley University). He has also taught Advanced Playwrighting at Brigham Young University.  Various articles and short stories of his have been published in national magazines. His science fiction novel, “THE RELUCTANT WIZARD” was published by Manor Books. His Historical Fiction novel, THE BOOK OF MALCHUS, written in collaboration with William J. Hamblin, was recently released by Deseret Book. In addition to his collaboration on the music and lyrics  for “KEWPIE”  and “TURN THE GAS BACK ON” with Max C. Golightly and C. Michael Perry he has written the music and some book and lyric elements for “PINOCCHIO” with Max. He has also written the book, music and lyrics for “LOVERS AND OTHERS” and “COVENANTS”. Since Max’s death Neil and Mike have continued their partnership with “ANNE…WITH AN ‘E’: THE GREEN GABLES MUSICAL” “TEMPEST: THE MUSICAL” and “GREAT EXPECTATIONS.” He is also the screenwriter for “A Voice from the Dust,” a series of feature films based on the Book of Mormon. He works for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a researcher/writer. He is married to Ariane Moffit, also of Orem, and has five children.



Rose (Formerly Kewpie!)

Turn The Gas Back On!

Such Stuff As Dreams (Tempest: The Musical)

Great Expectations

Anne with and ‘e’: The Green Gables Musical (Eldridge Plays and Musicals)

Lovers and Others (unavailable at present)

Covenants (unavailable at present)

Pinocchio (A Family Musical)



The Reluctant Wizard (Manor Books)

The Book of Malchus (Deseret Book)