Elektra — an adaptation for modern audiences

Elektra — an adaptation for modern audiences

adapted from Sophocles by Richard Sewell

(Perfect for High School, College/University, Community, and Youth Theatre actors.) TYA

The goal of this adaptation is to give actors (high school, college age, or older) a feel of the shape and mood of a Greek tragedy and yet to be a play that a modern audience, without preparation, can follow and be drawn into. The classic story of revenge-gone-on-too-long is faithfully and clearly presented, some may say as an appeal to reason–both political, familial, and personal–to stop the ‘bloodshed’; for revenge may come in may guises. A challenging script to all ages both in the performance of it and in the viewing of it. Both the timeliness of the message, and its actual timelessness, point to a solid story of worth to everyone in the human experience.


  • 4m 2F + Chorus (1 or 2 of the male characters could be played as women)
    • (in order of appearance)
      4m 2F + Chorus (1 or 2 of the male characters could be played as women)
      ORESTES, son of the slain King Agamemnon
      PEDAGOGOS, Orestes’ tutor (or Nurse)
      PYLADES, Orestes’ friend.
      GUARDSMAN, (or GUARDSMEN) Aegisthos’ guard
      AGISTHOS, usurping King,
      ELEKTRA, Agamemnon’s daughter
      CHRYSOTHEMIS, her sister
      KLYTEMNESTRA. Agamemnon’s widow, now Agisthos’ wife.
      KALCHAS an old prophet. (or prophetess)
      CHORUS, servants of the palace, loyal to the memory of Agamemnon. (Three or four of these double as Soldiers, Agisthos’ bodyguards)
  • Single playing space
  • Modern or classical costumes
  • About 60-75 minutes
  • ORDER#3325



Any PDF purchased will be emailed to your email address — if you need to provide that to us (not the one on your PayPal account), EMAIL us. CDs will be mailed to a snail mail address. Before we ship any rehearsal material we will need your performance dates, the name of your organization and the theatre where you will perform.

Email us prior to your order so we have the info to give you a complete quote. EMAIL us for rights and information. Be sure to give us anticipated performance dates and the address of your group and, if different, your theatre. Please also include a contact name and phone number.

  • Script in PDF format — Order #3325a : $25.00 (will be sent to you by email, from which you will be authorized to print copies for your production)

  • First Performance Amateur/Educational Royalty — Order #3325d : $60.00

  • Second Performance Amateur/Educational Royalty — Order #3325e : $40.00

  • Professional Royalties will be quoted upon application


  • High Mowing School —
  • Colby College —
  • PREMIERE: Coburn Classical Institute, High Mowing School —



The following is how the credits should read in all programs, posters, fliers, handbills and other promotional advertising for the show:


Adapted by
Richard Sewell

NOTE: The names of the Playwright(s), Composer, Lyricist, and Bookwriter shall be equal in size, type, coloring, boldness, and prominence. No billing shall appear in type larger or more prominent than the billing to the Authors except for the title of the play.

Elektra” is presented through special arrangement with Leicester Bay Theatricals.  All authorized materials are also supplied by LBT, www.leicesterbaytheatricals.com”

from the catalog of