by Thom Duncan
(For production by College/University Groups, Community Groups, LDS Church Groups)
Based, in part, on the book “The Trial Of The Stick Of Joseph”. We enter a courtroom to determine if the Book Of Mormon is true. David Whitmer, Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery and Charles Anthon are cross-examined and the Book is upheld as truth. A powerful testimony builder.
- 9M 1W (Four of the male roles can be played by females, especially the attorneys.)
- 1 Interior
- 2 hours
- Order # 2013
Available for ALL producing groups.
- Perusal Pages File Available. It contains the first half of the script.
- Script in PDF format — Order #2013a : $25.00 (from which you will be authorized to copy for your production)
- First Performance Ward/Stake/Amateur/Educational Royalty — Order #2013d : $75
- Second Performance Ward/Stake/Amateur/Educational Royalty — Order #2013e : $65
- Professional Performance License can be granted by filling out the Performance License Application: No production rights can be granted until this application is filled out and sent to us. This is a filler form that after you click “SUBMIT” will send directly to our email address. Response averages 2-3 business days.
- The production history of this title has been lost.
This title is available exclusively from