All The Scattered Leaves • a play

All The Scattered Leaves • a play

by Doreen Crookell

It is the Mid-Victorian era in England and the Church of Jesus Christ has made a name for itself throughout many parts of the land. Thousands of souls have been converted and have left for Salt Lake City, some never to be heard from again. The general feeling in many of the towns and villages is one of distrust and even fear of the “Mormons”. At the sight of the Missionaries, the women run inside and bolt the doors for fear of being abducted and imprisoned behind the walls of Salt Lake City. But the LDS Elders continue to proselyte. Thus has the Maitland family’s life been disrupted and changed. Their eldest daughter, Rose, joined the Church the year previous and went to Zion. No word has yet been heard from her. As the play starts the Maitlands are visited by two Latter-day Saint Elders who bring a letter from Rose.

2nd Place in the 1979 Encore Performance Publishing Playwrighting Contest.



  • 5M 4W
  • 1 Interior
  • Period Costumes
  • Order #2084


  • The PERUSAL PAGES file (in PDF format) is available below:


  • Performance License Application: No production rights can be granted until this application is filled out and sent to us. This is a filler form that after you click “SUBMIT” will send directly to our email address. Response averages 2-3 business days.
  • Script in PDF format  — Order #2084a : $25.00 (will be sent to you by email, from which you will be authorized to make copies for your production)

  • First Performance Amateur/Educational Royalty — Order #2084d : $50 (for the first or only performance)

  • Second Performance Amateur/Educational Royalty — Order #2084e : $40 (For each successive performance)

  • Professional Royalties will be quoted upon application


  • Production records have been lost
  • PREMIERE in Ontario, Canada, — 1979

from the catalog of