Deserted • A Short Play for Hallowe’en

by Kīra Shaffer A vampire and human are stranded together in the desert. The festival of Samhain, or as we more commonly
Plays and Musicals for All Audiences and Theatre Groups, Amateur, Educational, Professional, and Religious
by Kīra Shaffer A vampire and human are stranded together in the desert. The festival of Samhain, or as we more commonly
by Kīra Shaffer and Cory Larsen This collection of short plays about the supernatural and macabre is perfect for the popular Halloween
by Mahonri Stewart (Under license from Prospero Arts and Media) A group of children in San Diego sneak into an abandoned house
by Matthew Ivan Bennett Staged Radio Drama, Radio Broadcast, Fully-Staged Production, or Virtual Theatre. The Host of RADIO HOUR talks about the