The Musical based on the Bible story (like it’s never been told before!)
Book and Lyrics by R. Rex Stephenson
Music and Lyrics by C. Michael Perry
(For production by Professional Groups, College/University Groups, Community Groups, High Schools, LDS & Other Church Groups, Youth Theatres)
The story of the faithfulness of Daniel and his “brothers” has inspired generations. While this is a comedy at heart, it is filled with faith and hope and inspiration as we see the examples of dedication to God. We see the change of heart as a King unburdens himself to the Most High God. We witness the writing on the wall, we visit the Fiery Furnace and the Den of Lions with the cutest little lions ever. The music covers a wide range of styles and will help this show entertain any family audience.
Designed for an Inter-generational cast of actors from eight to eighty, this is a great Church and Community Group show.
- 9M 5F + ensemble and children. Some male roles may be played by females.
- Unit Setting.
- About 2 hours
- Order #3020
Available for ALL performance groups.
- The PERUSAL PAGES file is in PDF format and contains the first act of this musical:
- #1 — Opening
- #1a — Scene Change
- #2 — A Royal Education
- #2a — Scene Change
- #3 — They Eat
- #3a — Scene Change
- #4 — Nomenclature
- #4a — Game Show Intro
- #4b — Tick Tock
- #4c — Game Show Intro
- #5 — The Dream
- #6 — Into The Fire
- #7 — The Plot
- #8 — How Great The Wonders
- #8a — Sleepy Music
- #8b — Tree Dream
- #9 — My New Administration
- #9a — Ominous Music
- #10 — What Will Become of Me?
- #10a — Heavenly Music
- #11 — Funeral / How Great The Wonders (reprise)
- #11a — Ominous Music
- #12 — The Plot (reprise)
- #13 — With One Bold Stroke
- #13a — Scene Change
- #14 — We Praise The Mighty
- #15 — Loopholes
- #16–We Ain’t Heard Nothin’ Yet!
- #16a–Sleep Now, Lions
- #16b–Child of Satan
- #17–Finale
SONG SAMPLES — The Opening number is a huge production with loads of different styles of music. The following demos have no vocals but will give you the flavors, and you could follow the lyrics from the Perusal Script.
(Any PDF purchased will be emailed to your email address — if you need to provide that to us (not the one on your PayPal account?), email us. CDs will be mailed to a snail mail address. Do not purchase rehearsal materials or pay for royalties until you have performance clearance. Be sure to give us anticipated performance dates and the address of your group and, if different, your theatre. Please also include a contact name and phone number.)
- Script in PDF format — Order #3020a : $25.00 (from which you will be authorized to copy for your production)
- Vocal Book in PDF format — Order #3020b : $15.00 (from which you will be authorized to copy for your production)
- Piano-Vocal Score in PDF format — Order #3020c : $25.00 (from which you will be authorized to copy for your production)
- First Performance Amateur/Educational Royalty — Order #3020d : $95 (for the first or only performance)
- Second Performance Amateur/Educational Royalty — Order #3020e : $75 (for each consecutive performance)
- Professional Performance License can be granted by filling out the Performance License Application: No production rights can be granted until this application is filled out and sent to us. This is a filler form that after you click “SUBMIT” will send directly to our email address. Response averages 2-3 business days.
- Blue Ridge Dinner Theatre, Ferrum Virginia — 2003
This title is available exclusively from