Set Apart • A New Play

Set Apart • A New Play

Adapted by Thomas F. Rogers

from the novel “THE MTC: SET APART” by Benson Parkinson

(For production by LDS Church, Community, and College/University groups)

Corry Anthon, athletic and playful, has come on a mission with just enough of a testimony to make him ill at ease. Phil Jeppsen, an Australian convert and former vagabond, welcomes the MTC’s discipline—it’s his companions he has problems with. Good-natured, bumbling Harvey Wilberg, who has put off a mission, torments the others with his childish jokes but also has a childlike heart. Malan Rignell, a rancher’s son, is quietly witty and clumsy in others’ company, but no one guesses his strong self-doubt or his talent as a peacemaker. Adapted from Ben Parkinson’s groundbreaking novel—thoughtful, realistic, spiritual—this play showcases the experiences shared, but rarely documented, by tens of thousands of LDS youth. Rogers captures Parkinson’s vision of life in the MTC, a place “set apart” from the world, by exploring the backgrounds and conversions of characters who are all the more compelling for being so human, which is to say less than perfect, more like the rest of us. The play is intelligent, rich, true and broad-ranging in its depiction of the spiritual struggles of missionary-age young people. This is the story or Corianton, set in modern times.


  • 2 Interiors + 3 smaller locations
  • 11M 5W (doubling possible)
  • About 2 hours
  • ORDER #2057

Available now!


  • The PERUSAL PAGES file (in PDF format) is available here:

  • This and other plays by Thomas F. Rogers may be read in the new publication: The Plays of Thomas F. Rogers Volume 3 : Crises In Faith (the SEVEN plays included are: Huebener, Fire In The Bones, First Trump, Reunion, Set Apart, The Anointed (a musical theatre play), and Petunia Passes (a short play). You can purchase the seven play volume, Crises In Faith for $16.00 (saving $3.99 off the list price) and getting to read all seven of Tom Rogers’ plays about the Latter-day Saints. A great way for inexpensive perusing!
  • EMAIL us for rights and information. Be sure to give us anticipated performance dates and the address of your group and, if different, your theatre. Please also include a contact name and phone number.


  • Script in PDF format  — Order #2057a : $20.00 (from which you will be authorized to copy for your production)

  • First Performance Amateur/Educational Royalty — Order #2057d : $75


  • Second Performance Amateur/Educational Royalty — Order #2057e : $65


  • Professional Royalties will be quoted upon application
  • ZT Performance Licence Application (in PDF format) to download our Performance License Application. No production rights can be granted until this application is filled out and sent to us. (We are working on an ONLINE PDF filler form)


  • Lethbridge Alberta LDS Stake — May 2015

From the catalog of