(For production by Professional Groups, College/University Groups, Community Groups, High Schools, LDS & other Church Groups)
As one by one, individuals gather on a mountaintop near Fish Lake, Idaho, they find out why they are there. The First Trump of the Resurrection has signaled the beginning of that final thousand years and families are being gathered, and assigned missions to “turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers.” But not just in a genealogical sense. It is time to link the generations together — physically, intellectually and emotionally. A process explored in this thoughtful play that finds the ancestors and descendants of one family learning to ignore their prejudices and strive for a greater whole as they help the troubled ones among them — only to find out that the whole is much greater than they thought it was. The little-known but infamous trial of Sylvanus Collett, an ancestor of the author, forms the center of the conflicted feelings of both the family, and the Territory of Utah.
- 19M 4W 1TB (parts can be doubled to 11 men, 2 women, 1 teen male)
- Several simple settings
- About 2 hours
- ORDER # 2034
Available for ALL producing groups. This is a PREMIERE play.
- The Perusal Pages PDF file is available below. (It contains the first half of the script)
- This and other plays by Thomas F. Rogers may be read in the new publication: The Plays of Thomas F. Rogers Volume 3 : Crises In Faith (the SEVEN plays included are: Huebener, Fire In The Bones, Reunion, Set Apart, The Anointed (a musical theatre play), and Petunia Passes (a short play). You can purchase the seven play volume, Crises In Faith for $16.00 (saving $3.99 off the list price) and getting to read all seven of Tom Rogers’ plays about the Latter-day Saints. A great way for inexpensive perusing!
- Script in PDF format — Order #2034a : $25.00 (from which you will be authorized to copy for your production)
- First Performance Ward/Stake/Amateur/Educational Royalty — Order #2034d : (As a PREMIERE PLAY royalties will be quoted on application)
- Second Performance Ward/Stake/Amateur/Educational Royalty — Order #2034e : (As a PREMIERE PLAY royalties will be quoted on application)
- Professional Performance License can be granted by filling out the Performance License Application: No production rights can be granted until this application is filled out and sent to us. This is a filler form that after you click “SUBMIT” will send directly to our email address. Response averages 2-3 business days.
- Well, your name could be listed here soon.
From the catalog of