Book and Lyrics by Doug Stewart
Music by Steve Amundsen
The Biblical story of Ruth has long held important and essential principles for the conduct of men and women as Believers in Christ. Doug and Steve have transposed this classic story to the modern day where Ruth stands at the center of a loving family. The parallels are uncannily drawn between the era of Ruth in the Bible and her modern day counterpart. It is an inspirational journey for cast and audience as Ruth and Beau and family find their way together.
- 3M 3W 1TB 1TG 2B 1G + 4 dancers (2M 2F)
- Order # 2061
- About 2 hours
Available to all producing groups
- The PERUSAL PAGES file (in PDF format) is available below. It contains Act One of this 2-act musical.
- You can purchase the Original Cast CD from Zion Theatricals HERE
- Purchase the official Limited Edition Piano-Vocal Selections containing 9 songs from the score in print form or PDF download (See below)
- My Day
- Babylon Will Get Us
- The Show Of Life
- Where Is A Woman Needed Most?
- Good Mormon Boys
- Can’t Make It On My Own
- Life On The Stage!
- Rules!
- Use Your Talents To Build Up Zion
- Whatever It Takes
- The Center
- The Vision
- I Got Used To You
- Woman of the World
- Marriage Is A Room
- Mother, Where Are You?
- Performance License Application: No production rights can be granted until this application is filled out and sent to us. This is a filler form that after you click “SUBMIT” will send directly to our email address. Response averages 2-3 business days.
- Script in PDF format — Order #2061a : $25.00 (from which you will be authorized to copy for your production)
- Vocal Book is not available for this title.
- Piano-Vocal Score in PDF format — Order #2061c : $30.00 (from which you will be authorized to copy for your production)
- First Performance Amateur/Educational Royalty — Order #2061d : for the only performance or the first performance in a series of related performances. (QUOTED ONLY UPON APPLICATION [See ZTPerformanceLicense above])
- Second Performance Amateur/Educational Royalty — Order #2061e : for the only performance or the first performance in a series of related performances. (QUOTED ONLY UPON APPLICATION [See ZTPerformanceLicense above])
- Professional Royalties will be quoted upon application
- Performance Tracks — Order #2061j: $250.00 flat rental fee (coming soon — contains song backings)
NOTE ON SHEET MUSIC OF INDIVIDUAL SONGS: If you are looking for sheet music for a particular song from the show, we can make that available to you for a small fee. We have had a lot of demand for this and, while we love to make the big bucks, we would prefer to just meet your needs and get you the song you want at a more nominal price, which in the end is better for you and easier for us. [or see the Vocal Selections below]
- Vocal Selections (Song Book) PDF — Order # 2061bvspdf : $15.00 + Maine-Sales Tax — Contains nine of the songs from the show in a PDF file contains nine songs from the show in piano-vocal arrangements (which include Chord Symbols): The Vision, Where is a Woman Needed Most, Can’t Make It On My Own, Rules, Use Your Talents to Build Up Zion, The Center, My Day, It’s Raining Up, Whatever It Takes. Sent to your email after payment is received.
- Vocal Selections (Song Book) PRINT VERSION — Order # 2061bvsPRINT : $19.95 + shipping and Maine Sales Tax — Contains nine of the songs from the show, in piano-vocal arrangements (which include Chord Symbols): The Vision, Where is a Woman Needed Most, Can’t Make It On My Own, Rules, Use Your Talents to Build Up Zion, The Center, My Day, It’s Raining Up, Whatever It Takes. It is printed and bound, mailed to you after your payment has been received.
- Premiered by Amundsen and Stewart in the original Western States Tour — 1979-1980
From the catalog of