3 • Three Plays for Three Women

by Eric Samuelsen Three short plays about Mormon women confronting their own culture, each with a cast of three. In Bar and
Plays and Musicals for All Audiences and Theatre Groups, Amateur, Educational, Professional, and Religious
playscripts, theatre, theater, friendship,
by Eric Samuelsen Three short plays about Mormon women confronting their own culture, each with a cast of three. In Bar and
AVAILABLE AS: A Stagedoor Kind of Love or A French Woods Kind of Love Script, Music, Lyrics and Arrangements by Chip Deffaa
by Jerry Walker (Perfect for Senior Theatre groups and all others who perform for Senior audiences.) What do guys talk about? Well,
by Jerry Walker (Perfect for Senior Theatre groups and all others who perform for Senior audiences.) 8 plays ranging from comic to
by Jerry Walker (Perfect for Senior Theatre groups and all others who perform for Senior audiences.) Two crusty women, ‘friends’ since High