Gathering Grimm — a play

For young or adult audiences this play uncovers some ‘facts’ about the Brothers Grimm: that most of their stories came from or through their sisters and female friends.

My Turn On Earth • The Classic Musical

What are we doing here on Earth? And where did we come from? This musical tells that story through a funny script and contemporary score.

Columbus! • A Musical Adventure for TYA

Yes, we know that he did NOT land properly on the North American Continent; but he did voyage across the unknown to open the doors to a New World. This musical tells that story for young audiences using a small cast.

Esther: The Musical Schpiel • The Perfect Kletzmer Musical for Purim, and other times of the year

Told traditionally this musical is NOT; but rich culture and tradition imbues every Kletzmer Song and Showtune in a fun and funny musical play.

Whatsoever: The Musical Story of Abraham

What’s Abraham got that we haven’t got? Lot’s Wife, for one! This musical will propel you through the Biblical story with wit and a LOT of good music.

Equality of Rights • The First Women’s Rights Convention

The pivotal time in the Women’s Rights movement was it’s first convention in 1848. It set in motion all that would come after. This play presents the drama of the beginning of a dream.. that gratefully became a reality.

One Night With Fanny Brice — A One Woman Musical

Fanny Brice spent years on stage as a solo act. Her private life was sometimes also a solo act. Here she is, live onstage, in a dynamic, musical theatre, one-woman performance.

Different Equals Amazing – A play about bullying/self-worth

Anyone can feel ‘different’ from others at times. It is never a small thing. This short play celebrates difference and allowing difference and tolerance, no matter what.

ghosts • a translation and adaptation

One of Ibsen’s most controversial plays, ‘Ghosts” deals with drugs and Eric Samuelsen’s translation/adaptation brings the story a modern twist while remaining faithful to the original play.